Chargent Anywhere will create a Chargent Order record with different fields that make up the Total. You can customize the fields by understanding which fields are sent to the payment gateway and creating Workflow Rules that update the Charge Amount on the Chargent Order. Here is a list of fields that make up the Total.
Total: On the Chargent Orders record, The Total field is the sum of the Subtotal plus the Tax and Shipping fields. The Tax and Shipping fields are optional.
Charge Amount: This is the field Chargent sends to the payment gateway, so it determines the actual amount of the payment. This amount must be greater than $0 for charges or authorizations and defaults to the Balance Due unless the Manual Charge option is checked.
Manual Charge: When checked, and a Charge Amount is specified, Chargent will not change the Charge Amount. This allows you to perform multiple transactions against a single Chargent Order without the Charge Amount being recalculated each time, a frequent requirement for recurring billing.
Note: If the Manual Charge box is NOT checked, Chargent uses a Workflow Rule to copy the Balance Due to the Charge Amount field. You can create your own Workflow Rule if you want to calculate the charge amount a different way.
The Balance Due is calculated based on the Total minus any previous approved charges or refunds.