Pat yourself on the back for having completed these important steps successfully: testing Chargent in a sandbox environment, deploying it to production, and testing in production. Next, you are ready to roll out Chargent to your users. We’ll walk you through the best way to inform your users, empower users to succeed with Chargent and get help if you need it.
Informing Your Users #
Depending on the size of your organization, you may have an organization chart that helps you determine how many Chargent user licenses you need. Or you may already know which users need Chargent. Review our topics on license assignment and permission assignment to prepare your Chargent users for this rollout. Here are a few tips to make your Chargent launch a success:
- Prepare users by setting a Chargent launch date well in advance and provide an easy way for them to ask questions.
- Support users in learning Chargent by involving them in your testing process so they gain experience using test data in a safe sandbox environment. That way, they won’t be totally new to Chargent on your launch date.
- Implement a change management strategy so users know how to submit enhancement requests.
Empowering Your Users #
Your users need Chargent to do their jobs. So, let them hit the ground sprinting by scheduling a kickoff meeting where they can preview features, run through test transactions, and ask questions in an open environment. While you provide training, make sure you cover all the training Chargent offers:
- Chargent demo videos clarify many concepts in a visually appealing way.
- Our knowledge base gives quick access to solutions for frequently asked questions.
Help topics cover the fundamentals of Chargent while our blog posts help users optimize their payment processes.
Cultivating Experts
Your early adopters are key in a smooth rollout of Chargent because they can share the benefits they experience:
- Enhanced productivity when they process transactions quickly.
- Boost revenue as Chargent alerts them early of expiring credit cards.
- Mobility because reps can work from anywhere in the world.
Choose a few of your best and most curious users, invite them to your test environment (sandbox), and allow them to run through the test cases you developed in Best Practices for Testing Chargent. Then, turn them into evangelists and allow them to tell their stories and document their processes, offer demonstrations, or provide cross-training.
Recognizing Good Behavior
Chargent comes with reports and dashboards that you can use to get instant feedback on how your organization has benefited from it. Review Chargent Reports and Dashboards and consider using them to create your own list of success stories within your organization. For example, review payment errors and inform your users of how they decline the more you use Chargent. A reconciliation report can help your users strive to make every month better than the last one.
Communicating Your Chargent Launch
Be your best public relations advocate by broadcasting your Chargent launch to your company at all levels of management. They may not know how Chargent can revolutionize your business, but you now have the reports to prove ROI, expert users, and a stellar launch plan. Share this empowering information in several ways:
- Email is a cheap and easy way to let your entire organization know that you now have this tool to boost revenue, streamline productivity, and avoid missed opportunities.
- Videos are compelling because most humans are visual learners. So, broadcast a video demo of Chargent with your organization’s data.
- Live events are always fun. Why not invite all users to a lunch meeting where you announce what’s coming, when, and how Chargent will revolutionize your payment processing?
Training is a wonderful opportunity to give a quick demonstration while being available to answer any questions live and calm any concerns from your organization.
Getting Help #
We put all the help you need right at your fingertips. Click the Chargent Settings tab to get more information about Chargent. Before you pick up the phone or send an email, Chargent has intuitive help buttons throughout the app to keep you on the right path. We plan to include help buttons on each Chargent tab that cover what it is and how to use it.
Review our context-sensitive help so that you can make it available to all users on all your page layouts.
If you don’t find the answers you need in-app, our support team is always ready to help. Feel free to contact us if you have any additional questions.
Next Steps #
- Add reports to Salesforce favorites
- Customizing Reports makes them easier for you to share with management and executives
- Release Notes tell you what’s coming so you can prepare your expert users
See Also #
Gateway Setup and User Guides
Quick Start Guide
Testing Chargent
Updating Chargent from an Older Version