The following fields are captured in a Chargent Payment Method record when your customers choose to save credit card or bank account details for future use. Depending on your page layout or field-level security settings, some of the fields listed below may be visible or editable. Please see Setting Up Payment Methods for more information.
Field Name | Description |
Account Last 4 | Last four digits of the bank account number. |
Bank Account Type | Indicates the kind of account this payment method is with the financial institution. This information is shared with the gateway. Available options are Checking, Savings, or Business Checking. |
Bank Account Validated On | The date that Chargent received validation of this payment method. |
Bank Account Institution Name | The name of the financial institution that holds this account. |
Billing Account | A lookup to the account related to this payment method. See Chargent’s Account and Contact Fields. |
Billing Address | The street name and address number associated with the payment source being used for this payment method, such as 870 Market Street. |
Billing City | The city for the address associated with the payment source being used for this payment method, such as Madrid, Sydney, London, Toronto, or Seattle. |
Billing Contact | A lookup to the contact related to this payment method. See Chargent’s Account and Contact Fields. |
Billing Country | The country for the address associated with the payment source on this payment method, such as Australia, Canada, USA, UK, or Singapore. |
Billing Email | The email address for billing notifications related to this payment method in this format: [email protected]. Chargent sends automated emails to this email address for notices such as payment receipts, payment request emails, and automated collections emails. |
Billing Phone | The phone number associated with the payment source being used for this payment method in this format +1 415-555-1212 or +61 2 9876 5432. |
Billing State | The state for the address associated with the payment source on this payment method. |
Billing Zip/Postal Code | The zip code or postal code associated with the payment source being used for this payment method in this format: 90210, M4B 1B3, or 2000. |
Card BIN | Bank Identification Number (BIN) associated with the credit card number entered when creating this payment method. |
Card Expiration Month | The month of the expiration date for the card being used for payment on this payment method. Use a 2-digit number format such as 01. |
Card Expiration Year | The year for the expiration date on the card being used for payment on this payment method. Use a 2-digit number format such as 24 or 29. |
Card Last 4 | The last four digits of the credit card number. Chargent uses this to derive the Chargent Payment Method Name. |
Card Type | The brand for the credit card. Available values are: Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express, MC Eurocard, UK Maestro, JCB Card, Diners Club. |
Chargent Payment Method Name | Unique name automatically generated by Chargent using the following naming convention: For credit cards: [the type of card (such as VISA and AMEX)] +-+ [the last four digits on the card] +-+ [the cardholder’s last name] on the card as in VISA-1234-Blake. For bank accounts: [Bank Account Network Type]+-+[first 5 digits of routing number]+-+[last 4 digits of account number] as in ACH-07192-4100. |
Chargent UUID | The universally unique identifier Chargent uses for this payment method to ensure data integrity. |
Company | The name of the organization associated with the payment source being used for this payment method, such as AppFrontier LLC, Google, Salesforce, UnitedWay, or Tuff Shed. |
Contact | A look up to the contact associated with this payment method. For example, if this was a personal credit card, this would link to that person’s contact record. |
First Name | The first name associated with the payment source for this payment method, such as Deborah, Karen, Kimberly, Selena, Chad, or Timothy. |
Last Name | The last name associated with the payment source for this payment method, such as Ng, Smith, Craig, or Hecht. |
Name on Account | The name of the card or account holder for this payment method. |
Nickname | A special name the customer can assign this payment method to distinguish it from their other payment methods. |
Payment Method Type | The type of payment method such as Card, Debit Card, Prepaid Card, Credit Card, Check, Check (Paper), Cash, Money Order, Google Checkout, Bank Account, Direct Debit, ACH. |
Routing Number | For US bank accounts, this indicates which branch of the financial institution holds the account. |
Status | This field indicates whether this payment method has been passed through a verification method (like Lyons) and is available for use, as well as whether a token has been registered. Values are: Verified+Registered means the payment method has gone through a verification method, and a token was obtained for the payment method credentials. Unverified+Registered means a token was obtained for the payment method credentials, yet the payment method has not gone through a verification method. Unverified+Unregistered (default) means no token was obtained for the payment method credentials, and the payment method has not gone through a verification method. Verified+Unregistered means no token was obtained for the payment method credentials, yet the payment method has gone through a verification method. |
See Also
Salesforce Page Layouts
Salesforce Field-Level Security
Setting Up Payment Methods
Chargent Terminology