With Chargent’s pre-built integration with Accounting Seed accounting software, successful charge and refund transactions in Chargent can automatically create corresponding Cash Receipt and Cash Disbursement records in Accounting Seed.
Check a single box in a Chargent Gateway record, and transactions in Chargent will automatically create records related to the Account in Accounting Seed. You can then apply the Cash Receipts or Cash Disbursement records to the account that was billed without any additional data entry in Accounting Seed.
- Approved transactions in Chargent will automatically create a Cash Receipt in Accounting Seed
- Approved Refund transactions in Chargent will automatically create a Cash Disbursement Batch with a single Cash Disbursement in Accounting Seed Implementation
Set Up the Accounting Seed Integration #
- Check the “Accounting Seed Integration” checkbox in your Gateway record to activate the integration. If you have multiple active gateway records, be sure to select the checkbox for each of them.

Note: Both Chargent and Accounting Seed have an object called “Transactions”, so be sure to choose the Chargent one.
- Add “Cash Receipt” and the “Cash Disbursement” fields to the Page Layout
- Click the gear icon and select Setup
- Under Objects and Fields select Object Manager
- Select the Chargent ‘Transaction’ object
- Choose Page Layouts and click the name of the Layout you want to update
- Drag the fields into the page layout
- Click Save

- Refer to the Accounting Seed documentation for information on how to apply Cash Receipts and Cash Disbursements to your Accounting Seed Accounts and Billings.
Additional Information #
Account Lookup
All Cash Receipts and Cash Disbursements need to be related to an Account in Salesforce. For this reason, we have added an Account lookup field to the Chargent Orders custom object in Salesforce, though you may have configured it to have lookup or MasterDetail relationships with other objects.
Relating Transactions
For each Chargent transaction, the 15-digit Salesforce record ID of the corresponding Cash Receipt or Cash Disbursement is saved in the Cash Receipt or Cash Disbursement field on the Chargent Transaction record.
To quickly view the Cash Disbursement or Cash Receipt, copy and paste that value into your browser bar after the Salesforce URL.

While approved Charge transactions create a Cash Receipt in Accounting Seed, and approved Refund transactions create a Cash Disbursement in Accounting Seed, if you Void a transaction in Chargent (similar to a refund but done before the daily batch settles), you should simply delete the related cash receipt that was created when the Charge first went through.
The integration between Chargent and Accounting Seed takes place entirely inside of Salesforce, as both applications are 100% Salesforce native. There is no transmission of data outside of your Salesforce org (other than the initial call out between Chargent and your payment gateway to initiate a transaction).
Integration Detail: Cash Receipts
The integration between Chargent and Accounting Seed creates a Cash Receipt in Accounting Seed for every transaction in Chargent where Type = Charge and Response Status = Approved. The Chargent Gateway ID is mapped to the Accounting Seed Payment Reference field, and the Chargent Gateway Date is mapped to the Accounting Seed Receipt Date field.

The integration between Chargent and Accounting Seed creates a Cash Disbursement Batch with a single Cash Disbursement in Accounting Seed for every transaction in Chargent where Type = Refund and Response Status = Approved. The Chargent Gateway ID is mapped to the Accounting Seed Reference field, as well as being used to name the Cash Disbursement Batch in the format of Credit Card Refund#{Gateway ID}. The Accounting Seed Vendor field is a lookup to the Salesforce Account since all Cash Disbursements need to be associated with an Account.