Integrating CyberSource and Salesforce using Chargent


Since its start in 1994, CyberSource has become a premier global payment gateway and a pioneering company in eCommerce focused on large merchants. In 2007, it acquired, the leading US small business payments provider.

CyberSource works in over 190 markets worldwide, in 20 different currencies, and provides a single connection to over 40 banks/payment processors on the backend.

Now that CyberSource is integrated with Salesforce through Chargent, you can take advantage of all the payment acceptance capabilities of CyberSource directly from Salesforce.

Not yet a Chargent customer? Get started today with a free 30-day trial!

Table of Contents

Installation and Configuration

  1. Install and configure Chargent according to the Installation and Setup Guide.
  1. Sign up for a CyberSource test account.
  1. Click the links in the confirmation email you received to confirm and create usernames and passwords for both accounts.
    • Chargent only requires the credentials from the second account, Merchant Admin.
    • Your Username and Merchant ID (MID) can be the same.


  1. Log into the CyberSource Test Business Center using your new credentials.
  2. From the left panel, select Payment Configuration
  3. Select Key Management.
  4. Click Generate Key.
  5. Select SOAP Toolkit.
  6. Click Generate Key on the bottom.
  7. Click the “Copy this one-time key” icon on the right to copy the key to your clipboard.


Add a CyberSource Gateway record in Salesforce

  1. Click on the App Launcher on the top left side in Salesforce.
  2. Select Chargent as the App
  3. Select the Chargent Settings Tab
  4. Choose Chargent Setup Wizard
    chargent seetings
  5. Do you have a Payment Gateway account – Select Yes
  6. Select CyberSource as your Payment gateway.
  7. Select Test Transactions for testing in Sandbox or Live Transactions if you are looking to process real time payments.
  8. Follow the prompts to configure your gateway.

You will need the following information:

  • Add your credentials based on your Sandbox (Test) or Production Live CyberSource account.
    • User Name: This is your CyberSource Merchant ID
    • User Password: Password (for Merchant Admin account, not Account Admin)
    • Transaction Security Key: Transaction Security Key You copied from CyberSource in the Installation and Setup of CyberSource section above.

Other information that will be asked:

  • What currency will you be using? (USD, CAD, etc..)
  • What payment methods will you be accepting?
  • Credit cards and/or ACH (electronic check)
    • What Credit Card types will you be accepting? (Visa, Mastercard, etc…)
  • Payment Console Setup (Premium feature for Platform Edition)
    • Show Charge Button
    • Show / Create Update Token Button
    • Show Authorize Button

Direct Debit Network

Starting with Chargent version 6.15, you can now select the Bank Account network for your region during the gateway setup process. Cybersource uses the ACH Network. This will allow for the correct Direct Debit Network fields to be displayed on Payment Requests and Payment Console based on your region.

You should choose ACH – US as the network. ACH is also known as echeck or electronic check.

Select the Payment Methods You Accept

Once you have your Direct Debit Network set, you will see the appropriate field names on your Payment Request that are sent as well as your internal Payment Console.

Payment Request Bank Account

Testing using Chargent Anywhere

Testing with Payment Console

To test using the Payment Console, you want to navigate to any record in your Sandbox that has the Chargent Anywhere Component enabled.

  1. Click Payment Console in Chargent Anywhere
  2. If you are using multiple gateways, select your gateway from the dropdown otherwise, continue to step 3
  3. Enter all the Billing Information and click Next
  4. Enter a test credit card number, expiration date, and CVC code based on the Cybersource test credit cards listed below. If you are testing ACH, you can use the Cybersource Bank Account test numbers.
  5. Click Charge

You should receive a green box showing Approved.


Testing using Payment Request

To test using a Payment Request, you want to be sure you have the Chargent Payment Request feature set up as outlined in our documentation.

  1. Click Send Payment Request in Chargent Anywhere
  2. If you have multiple Payment Request templates set up, you will first choose what template you want to use.
  3. Enter an email address where you want to send the test Payment Request and any amount.
  4. Enter a Contact name (Optional)
  5. Click Send Request

Send Payment Request

When you receive the email, click the secure link for the Payment Request. Use one of Cybersource Credit Cards or bank account testing numbers to complete the payform and submit the payment.

Card Bank Payment

You should receive a green box confirmation

Card Bank payment

CyberSource Test Credit Cards

  • CyberSource provides a number of test cards for testing purposes. Real Credit Cards should not be used for testing purposes.
Visa 4111 1111 1111 1111
MasterCard 5555 5555 5555 4444
American Express 3782 8224 6310 005
Discover 6011 1111 1111 1117
JCB 3566 1111 1111 1113


ACH Validation

Chargent supports ACH Validation through the Lyons Account Verification Service, allowing you to validate US bank accounts on the Automated Clearing House (ACH) network before attempting a transaction. This validation confirms that the bank account & routing numbers exist and the account is available for payment transactions, satisfying NACHA’s mandate – Supplementing Fraud Detection Standards for Web Debits. We strongly recommend that all ACH customers implement ACH Validation.

For more information about implementing validation for your ACH transactions, see our ACH Validation documentation.

Test ACH

Account Number
Routing Number 112200439

Order Source Field

The Order Source field can be set for ACH transactions. The below mapping of the Order Source field will send the corresponding SEC code to Cybersource when you Charge an ACH transaction.

Order Source (Chargent Order field) SEC Codes (Cybersource)
Corporate Cash Disbursement CCD
E-commerce WEB
Installment PPD
Mail ARC
Prearranged Payment and Deposit PPD
Recurring PPD
Recurring Mail ARC
Recurring Telephone TEL
Retail POP
Telephone TEL

Chargent now sends the CommerceIndicator for register token calls to the Cybersource gateway

Chargent logic maps the values in the ChargentOrder.OrderSource field to the CommerceIndicator value in the Cybersource SOAP API.

Here is the current mapping from Order Source to CommerceIndicator:

Order Source Token CommerceIndicator
ecommerce No Token internet
recurring No Token recurring
Telephone No Token moto
Mail No Token moto
Installment No Token recurring
Corporate Cash Disbursement No Token not sent
Retail No Token not sent
Prearranged Payment No Token not sent

Understanding Cybersource Test Responses

Test responses depend on the Charge Amount field, Credit Card Information, and Expiration Date fields in Salesforce.

  • Response Status in the Salesforce transaction record will equal ACCEPT for successful transactions, REJECT for declined transactions, ERROR for failed transactions
  • Reason Codes in the Salesforce transaction record will be 100 for successful transactions, otherwise, they will vary according to the error they are supposed to simulate
  • Gateway ID in the Salesforce transaction record (corresponding to CyberSource’s RequestID) will vary and are incremented automatically across all merchants.

General Testing Responses

Field Input Response
Charge Amount field is greater than 1 Successful transaction
Charge Amount field is less than 1 Rejection: Invalid data – Invalid Amount less than $0
Charge Amount field is 100,000,000,000 Rejection: Invalid data – Invalid Amount; amount too large
Charge Amount field is Blank Rejection: Missing required fields = Empty credit card number
Credit Card Number is 4111111111111112 Rejection: Invalid account number. Request different card or other form of payment.
Credit Card Number is 412345678912345678914 Rejection: 21-digit credit card number
Expiration Month 13 Rejection: Invalid expiration month
Expiration Year 1998 Rejection: Expiration date passed

If you are looking for specific responses for your payment processor, they are listed here:

For additional information about a particular error, you can view the details in the test Enterprise Business Center (in addition to the Chargent Transaction record in Salesforce).

See Cybersource Reason Codes for additional Responses.

Sending Live Transactions from a Salesforce Sandbox

When Chargent is installed in a Salesforce Sandbox, transactions are typically sent to the payment gateway’s test / sandbox / development environment, regardless of whether Chargent’s Test Endpoint checkbox is checked. This is done as a security precaution, to prevent real transactions from being accidentally sent from a Salesforce Sandbox.

When Chargent is installed in a production or developer Salesforce org, checking the Test Endpoint checkbox on the Gateway record will route transactions to the test environments provided by the gateway.

Note: Some gateways use the same endpoint for live and test environments. For these gateways, the Chargent application does not prevent live transaction processing. As such, it is best practice to deactivate your live gateway records in orgs used for testing.

If you wish to send live transactions from a Salesforce Sandbox, as a final step in testing, simply use Chargent’s Endpoint Override field on the Gateway record, and enter the production endpoint of your chosen gateway there.

Here is the production endpoint URL for Chargent’s integration with CyberSource

Note that the full endpoint URL must be entered in the Endpoint Override field, and the domain must be present in the Remote Site Settings (for standard Chargent integrations it should be already present).

Going Live

Once you have completed a number of test transactions, you may wish to complete additional customizations to Salesforce to support CyberSource payments, such as automated workflows driven by payments, any reporting requirements, user interface optimizations, etc.

To process real payments with CyberSource, you will need to migrate your Evaluation account to a Production system, and update your Merchant ID status.

Please contact your local Sales Representative to go live with real transactions with CyberSource, if you don’t already have a live account.

In terms of configuring Salesforce to go live, simply do the following:

  1. Deactivate the CyberSource Test gateway record in Salesforce by unchecking the Active checkbox
  2. Click save
  3. Create a new CyberSource live gateway record in Salesforce, either using the Gateway Wizard or using the steps in versions prior to 5.40.

You should test a live transaction with a real credit card, just to make sure everything is working smoothly (test cards above will not work in the live environment).

Run small dollar amount transactions, and VOID them immediately after, to minimize any impact Using your own or company credit cards for live tests is recommended, as customers could still see notifications of a charge even if voided

Note that Transaction fees are incurred in the live environment, so any testing should be kept to a minimum.


CyberSource offers the ability to store customer payment profiles, eliminating account numbers and other sensitive payment data from your Salesforce account. This lowers the scope of your PCI compliance efforts and ensures that your customer’s sensitive information is not compromised in the event of a security breach.

CyberSource stores your customer’s information and replaces it with a unique identifier or token, known as a profile ID. Chargent then stores the profile ID in the Token field in Salesforce, to be used for future payments.

The CyberSource profile ID, also known as the payment token, identifies the credit card as well as the associated billing, shipping, and card information of a customer.

Chargent can automatically delete credit card and account numbers from Salesforce upon a successful transaction and creation of a token, or the optional Payment Console feature available in the Platform Edition of Chargent can create CyberSource tokens without ever saving sensitive data to the Salesforce database.

Please contact us for additional information on security and PCI compliance options for Salesforce.

To enable CyberSource Tokenization for Payments in Salesforce:

Ensure that Tokenization is enabled for your account by CyberSource.

  • Check the Use Tokenization checkbox in the Chargent Gateway record you have set up for CyberSource
  • Set the Credit Card Handling field (unless you are using Payment Console)
    • Never Clear: Chargent will not remove any card data automatically.
    • Clear After Successful Charge: Chargent will clear the credit card number, expiration dates and card security code only after a successful charge is run.
    • Clear After All Transactions: The credit card number, expiration date and card security code will be erased after any transaction (Charge, Void, Refund)
    • Clear When Token Present (Recommended): Only when a token is present in the token field, will the credit card number, expiration date and card security code be cleared.

The CyberSource token is stored in Chargent’s Token field in Salesforce after your first successful transaction, and the credit card fields are handled as you specified in the preceding step

Strong Customer Authentication (SCA)

Starting in Chargent v6.70, Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) functionality was added to Cybersource, enabling greater transactional security for our merchants and their customers. Our Cybersource users can enable this feature in order to adhere to the requirements mandated in the Revised Payment Services Directive (PSD2). To learn more about SCA, visit Strong Customer Authentication (SCA).

Sending Unlinked Refunds (Stand-Alone Credits)

Stand-Alone Credit (Cybersource’s terminology for an Unlinked Refund) allows you to send funds from your Cybersource account to a credit card. Unlike a Refund, an Unlinked Refund has no time limitation and can be processed when no prior transaction has occurred.

Stand-Alone Credits are not automatically enabled for your Cybersource account. You must create a Support Ticket in Cybersource to obtain documentation for enabling Stand-Alone Credits for your account.

For more information on enabling and processing Stand-Alone Credits, visit Sending Unlinked Refunds.

Field Mapping

Here are some relevant fields and their mappings between the Chargent software in Salesforce and the CyberSource system.

Salesforce Direction CyberSource
Gateway ID < Request ID
PO Number > User PO
Salesforce record ID (of Chargent Order, Opportunity, or Case) > Your Reference Number

Custom Mapping Feature

Chargent’s CyberSource Custom Mapping feature allows you to send values from almost any fields on the Chargent Order object to the CyberSource gateway using CyberSource’s Merchant-Defined Data fields.

The feature is not required for processing Cybersource payments but allows you to store additional information within CyberSource. Custom Mapping is designed to send up to 20 fields in a request. Any fields on the Chargent Order object can be selected – including Chargent’s packaged fields or custom fields you’ve created.

Cybersource doesn’t allow you to send Personal Identifiable Information (PII) to Merchant Defined Data fields, including name, address, credit card number, etc. See the Merchant-Defined Data Fields section in CyberSource’s Managing Merchants documentation for more information.

  1. To open the configuration page, click the App Launcher and click Chargent Settings
  2. Click the CyberSource Custom Mapping subtab
  3. In the Select Object picklist, select the Chargent Orders object
  4. The Chargent Order fields are presented in the left column, and CyberSource custom fields are in the right
  5. To add additional field mappings, click + to the left of the Chargent Order field
  6. Map the fields you require and click Save


One Chargent Order object field can be mapped multiple times to different CyberSource custom fields.

The mapped fields will be sent in “Authorize” and “Charge” requests.


On the CyberSource side, the fields are shown on the detailed transaction description page:


You have now completed the integration of Salesforce and the CyberSource Payment Gateway using Chargent. You can begin processing one-time or recurring credit card and ACH payments through CyberSource directly from Salesforce.

If you need help or have questions, please contact us.