
Integrating With Chargent In Salesforce

Salesforce Payments by Chargent is the leading payments application available on the Salesforce AppExchange. Chargent allows you to charge credit cards and Bank Account transactions directly from within Salesforce. This guide shows you how you can easily connect the gateway with Salesforce using Chargent.

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About This Guide

This guide walks you through the steps needed to integrate Chargent with (aka It assumes you have already installed and configured Chargent, but links are provided to installation, user management, and configuration topics where more detail is available to get you up and running quickly. It also assumes you have already chosen the gateway and includes links to gateway-specific documentation for configuration instructions.

Video Tutorial

If you’re a visual learner, like many of us, check out our overview video to get started. The text in this guide covers the video’s content in greater detail, so if you have any questions, make sure to follow along with the content here.

Before You Begin

Before you start integrating in Chargent with Salesforce, make sure you’ve completed the following steps:

Installing and Configuring Chargent

Before setting up your gateway, install the latest version of Chargent and configure your user permissions. Guides for these topics are available below to help you get started.

Setting Up Your Test Environment

Before installing Chargent in production, we highly recommend installing and testing in a Salesforce sandbox. The following topics provide instructions for obtaining your test gateway credentials and creating a test Gateway record in Salesforce. Remember to refresh your sandbox beforehand to ensure that your sandbox is aligned with your production configurations.

Creating Your Sandbox Account

If you don’t already have credentials for testing, set up a sandbox account.

Using Your Sandbox Account

After you create your account, you’ll receive an email providing your sandbox login credentials. The default answer to the secret question from your sandbox account, “What is your Pet Name?” is “Simon.”

Always use your sandbox in “Live Mode” because it does not connect to the card networks. The purpose of an sandbox is for you to safely use it in “Live Mode” without fear of creating actual transactions. For more information, see What Is test mode and how do I turn It off and on?

Obtaining Your Sandbox Credentials

To verify your test gateway credentials in Salesforce, Chargent requires your sandbox API Login ID and Transaction Key. You can access your credentials by following these steps:

  1. Log in to your sandbox account.
  2. Click the Account tab.
  3. Click API Credentials & Keys.
    1. Your API Login ID will be displayed on the page.
    2. Your Transaction Key will need to be generated by selecting the New Transaction Key radio button and clicking Submit. Your Transaction Key will only be displayed once, so ensure you save it now. If you lose this key, you will need to generate a new one and update your gateway credentials in Salesforce.

Creating Your Test Gateway in Chargent

Now that you have your credentials in hand, it’s time to create a gateway record in a Salesforce sandbox and verify your sandbox credentials.

  1. Login to your Salesforce sandbox (partial, full, or developer sandboxes work).
  2. Go to the App Launcher and click the Chargent app.
  3. Click the Chargent Settings tab and choose the Setup Wizard subtab.
  4. Click Yes when prompted, “Do you have a Payment Gateway account?”.
  5. Select ‘’ from the list and click Continue.
  1. Enter your sandbox credentials, leaving the Endpoint Override field blank. 
  2. Click Sign In.
  3. When you receive a message stating “Your credentials have been successfully verified!”, click Continue to complete the steps in the wizard.

The remaining choices in the Gateway Setup Wizard are determined by your specific use case. For more detailed information about the steps, see Gateway Setup Wizard.

Checking Your Remote Site Settings

The remote sites for your gateway should automatically activate when completing the Gateway Setup Wizard. If you encounter any issues connecting to Chargent using your gateway credentials, ensure they have been correctly activated in your org.

  1. Click the gear icon at the top right and choose Setup.
  2. Enter “remote” in the Quick Find box and choose Remote Site Settings.
  3. Locate the following Remote Site names and make sure the “Active” box is selected:
    • AuthNetAPI2
    • AuthNetCIMAPI
    • AuthNetTestAPI
    • AuthNetTestCIMAPI
  1. If the “Active” box is not selected, click Edit, select Active, and click Save.

Setting Up Your Direct Debit Network

Setting up your Direct Debit Network is optional but recommended. When you reach the Gateway Setup Wizard page labeled “Select the Payment Methods you accept,” select the Direct Debit Network for your region. supports ACH – US or EFT (ACSS) – Canada  Direct Debit Networks. Choosing the correct Direct Debit Network will allow you to accept Bank Account payments and display the correct Direct Debit Network fields in Chargent.

For more information, see Understanding Bank Account Payments.

Running Test Transactions

You can attempt your first test transaction after successfully creating your test gateway record. See Testing in Sandbox for instructions and best practices for testing. Every gateway has its own test payment methods and response codes. See the list below for information and resources specific to

Testing Credit Card Transactions

Visit’s Testing Guide for a complete list of test credit card numbers. To quickly verify your integration, you can use the following test credit card numbers to ensure Chargent is appropriately configured:

Processing Network Card Number Expiration CVC
Visa 4111111111111111 Any date in the future Any 3-digit number
Mastercard 5424000000000015 Any date in the future Any 3-digit number
American Express 370000000000002 Any date in the future Any 4-digit number
Discover 6011000000000012 Any date in the future Any 3-digit number

Testing Bank Account Transactions

To test bank account transactions in Salesforce using, use a valid routing number and any random number for bank account transactions. You can search for a valid routing number on The Federal Reserve Services website. We’ve included a sample test bank account number below so you can quickly verify your bank account transactions:

Routing Number Account Number Bank Name Account Type
122000247 Any 10-digit number Any bank name Checking

Testing Response Codes

It’s important to test different gateway responses to ensure that your gateway is configured properly. The gateway’s response is stored on a transaction record (see the Response Code and Response Status fields) in Salesforce.

Every gateway has its own response codes. You can test response codes by inputting specific billing information, as noted in’s Testing Guide. For example, use the following zip code to simulate a declined transaction.

Zip Code Response Code Response Text
46282 2 This Transaction has been declined.

Running Live Transactions in Sandbox

It is not considered best practice to run live transactions in your sandbox environment. If you still wish to send live transactions from a Salesforce Sandbox as a final step in testing, see Testing Live Transactions in a Salesforce Sandbox.

Going Live in Production

Once you’ve tested your gateway integration in a Salesforce Sandbox, you’re ready to move to production! See Moving from Sandbox to Production to learn how to migrate your Chargent configuration changes to your production Salesforce environment. After moving Chargent to production, see Testing in Production for best practices prior to going live.

Creating Your Live Account

In, live and test credentials are different. To process live transactions in Salesforce, you will need to register for a live account.

Creating Your Live Gateway Integration in Salesforce

So far, you’ve been using your test credentials and created a test gateway using the Test Transactions tab. Now, it’s time to click the Live Transactions tab and enter your live account credentials:

  1. Log in to your production Salesforce org.
  2. Go to the App Launcher    and click the Chargent app.
  3. Click the Chargent Settings tab and choose the Setup Wizard subtab.
  4. Click Yes when prompted, “Do you have a Payment Gateway account?”.
  5. Select ‘’ from the list and click Continue.
  6. Click Live Transactions and enter your new live gateway credentials to process live transactions.
  1. Click Sign In.
  2. When you receive a message stating “Your credentials have been successfully verified!”, click Continue to complete the steps in the wizard. If you receive an error message in red, see our troubleshooting tips.

For more detailed information about these steps, see our documentation for the Gateway Setup Wizard.

Testing with Live Credentials in “Test Mode”

Next, you can use your live credentials rather than the test credentials but set to “Test” mode so the transactions sent will not be processed as real transactions. For more information, see What Is test mode and how do I turn It off and on?

  1. Log in to your live account.
  2. Click Account and choose Settings to find the Test Mode link in the Security Settings area.
  3. Move the slider to Test.
  1. Run several test transactions using your live credentials in test mode.

When processing test transactions in Test Mode, returns a transaction ID of “0”. This means you cannot test follow-on transactions, such as credits or voids, while in Test Mode because the original transactions will not have the required Transaction IDs stored in the Gateway ID field in Chargent. 

To test follow-on transactions, you can process a test transaction with any valid credit card number in live mode.

Running Live Transactions

After tests in the live environment are successful, you are ready for the final phase of testing: running live transactions.

  • Ensure Test mode is turned off by moving the slider back to Live in your live account.
  • You can now run live transactions using valid credit card numbers.

If you wish to test some live transactions, you can void them immediately after to prevent the transactions from settling. To do this, go to the transaction record in Salesforce and click Void.

If you do run live transactions as a test, we recommend making very low amounts to minimize any impact in the event you forget to void them.

To test gateway responses in the live environment, submit live transactions with the correct street address, zip code, and card code information to generate successful responses. Likewise, submit incorrect street address, zip code, and card code information to generate other responses. You can void successful transactions immediately to prevent live test transactions from being processed.

Congratulations! You have successfully integrated Salesforce and via the Chargent for Salesforce app. You can now process one-time or recurring credit card payments directly from Salesforce through

Supported Features

All of Chargent’s gateway integrations support most of Chargent’s core features. Some features are reliant on support by the gateway itself. Chargent’s integration with includes, but is not limited to, the following features:

ACH Validation

Chargent’s integration supports ACH Validation through the Lyons Account Verification Service, allowing you to validate US bank accounts on the Automated Clearing House (ACH) network before attempting a transaction. This validation confirms that the bank account and routing numbers exist and that the account is available for payment transactions, satisfying NACHA’s mandate—Supplementing Fraud Detection Standards for Web Debits. We strongly recommend that all ACH customers implement ACH Validation.

See our ACH Validation documentation for more information about implementing validation for your ACH transactions.

Address Verification System (AVS)

Chargent’s integration with includes Address Verification System (AVS), a technology used to prevent fraud by validating the ownership of a credit card using the billing address of a credit card and matching it with the data on file at the credit card issuing company.

For more information, see’s documentation or check out Address Verification Systems (AVS).


The currencies supported by depend on your Payment Processor. See Processor Support for a list of currencies supported by

For more information about currencies in Chargent, see Understanding Currencies.

Data Levels

Data levels allow you to send more information with each transaction, ensuring the security and authenticity of the payment. Higher data levels translate to higher savings on transaction fees. The following levels of data are supported by using Chargent:

  • Level I
  • Level II

For more information about data levels, see Understanding Data Levels.

Duplicate Window Setting’s duplicate window setting allows you to set a time frame, in seconds, for the gateway to search for duplicate transactions. To set this parameter, add the Duplicate Transaction Window field to your gateway page layout and enter the time frame in seconds in that field. Possible values are:

  • Empty. If the field does not contain a value, it is not set. The parameter isn’t sent, and will use the default setting of 120 seconds.
  • 0. A value of zero disables the duplicate check.
  • 1 – 28800 – time frame in seconds. 28800 seconds (8 hours) is the maximum time frame value. If a greater value is set, will fall back to 28800. 1800 is 30 minutes.

Payment Method Types

Below, we’ve listed the payment method types that are supported when using the gateway integration. For more information about payment methods supported by Chargent, see Payment Methods Supported.

Credit Card

The credit card processing networks (Visa, Mastercard, etc.) supported by depend on your Payment Processor. See Processor Support for a list of currencies supported by

For more information, see Understanding Credit Card Payments.

Bank Accounts

  • ACH – US (aka echeck or electronic check)
  • EFT (ACSS) – Canada (aka Electronic Funds Transfer)

For more information, see Understanding Bank Account Payments.


Chargent supports’s Customer Information Management (CIM) feature for tokenization. Tokenization helps you decrease PCI compliance scope and improve security by storing transaction data such as credit card numbers and bank account numbers on’s servers and not in Salesforce.

The token returned by is stored in the Token field on the Chargent Order and the Tokenization field on the Transaction record in Salesforce. To learn more about why we recommend tokenization, visit Salesforce Tokenization.

Transaction Sync

Chargent sends charges and authorizations to the payment gateways, recording the result in a real-time transaction in Salesforce. Chargent also updates Salesforce records long after the initial transaction if, for example, ACH transactions are returned for non-sufficient funds (NSF) or credit card authorizations that expire. We recommend setting up transaction synchronization for your organization.

Review the documentation for details on the various transaction status values for transactions. also retrieves transaction settlement time. It is stored in the Settlement Time field of the transaction.

Transaction Types

Chargent’s integration with supports multiple transaction types.

Field Mapping

Salesforce sends payment information to your gateway based on the field values in your Chargent Order records. The gateway stores the payment information as a transaction. Then the gateway sends a response to Salesforce, storing it in a Transaction record. Here are a few important examples of how the data is mapped between Salesforce and

Chargent Field Salesforce Object Direction Field
Gateway ID Transaction > Transaction ID
Token* Chargent Order < Customer Profile ID-Payment Profile
Invoice Number Chargent Order > Invoice Number
Order Information Chargent Order > Description
Billing First Name / Billing Last Name Chargent Order > Name
Billing Company Chargent Order > Company
Billing Address / Billing Address 2 Chargent Order > Address
Billing State / Province Chargent Order > State / Province
Billing Zip Code / Postal Code Chargent Order > Zip Code
Billing Country Chargent Order > Country
Billing Phone Number Chargent Order > Phone
Billing Fax Number Chargent Order > Fax
Billing Email Address Chargent Order > Email
Tax Chargent Order > Tax
Shipping Chargent Order > Freight

*The Token field on the Chargent Order combines the Customer Profile ID and the Payment Profile, separated with a dash. For example, a Token equaling 916443511-915933853 can be derived from the following Customer Profile in

If you want to learn more about using’s fields programmatically, see’s developer website.

Gateway Response Codes

The Reason Code field on a Transaction record stores a response code provided by To learn more about a specific response code, see’s Transaction Response Codes and search for the specific code you’d like more information on.

To review gateway responses in Salesforce, go to the transaction record in Chargent and examine the following field values:

Transaction Field Name Description
Response Status The state of the transaction, such as “Approved,” “Declined,” or  “Error” received from the payment gateway.
Reason Code The code provided by the gateway, indicating why the transaction was successful or not. stores a code of 1 for successful transactions.
Gateway ID Corresponds to the transaction ID in the gateway. Use this field to reconcile your Salesforce transaction records with your gateway’s transaction records.
Gateway Response Contains the entire message received from the gateway, stored in the Salesforce transaction record. This field is helpful when troubleshooting your transactions.


If you are having trouble connecting to your gateway, we recommend starting with these troubleshooting steps. To understand how to handle error response codes returned by, see General Error Transaction Troubleshooting.

For additional troubleshooting tips or frequently asked questions about, check out Chargent’s knowledge base articles.

Getting Help

Contacting Support has many support channels. Visit How do I contact to choose the one that best suits your needs. You can also contact them by phone at 1-888-323-4289.

Contacting Chargent Support

Contact our support team if you encounter any Chargent issues with your implementation.