What defines a great customer experience? In this video we show you some examples of how with Chargent in Salesforce, you can wow your customers with easy payment acceptance.

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Micaiah Filkins, Co-Founder President, AppFrontier LLC

Omnichannel payment is quickly becoming the standard in payment acceptance. Let’s get you up to speed on this trend.

First off the simple question:
What is omnichannel payment?

Put simply, it’s the ability to enter your card data once, then use it in all other places you do business with a particular merchant.

Let’s take a quick look at 2 examples

Think about the new physical retail store concept from Amazon, called Amazon Go. Where you can simply shop and then walk out, payment is made without you taking any additional action. It’s simple as you likely have already entered your card data into Amazon for regular purchases. They port this to your Amazon Go app, then you shop at a Go store. No additional action is required from you to checkout. Just like a Lyft ride. This might be the best omnichannel example I am aware of today.

Ski resorts are also getting very good at this, you buy your season pass with a card, elect to have that card associated to your pass, then all you have to do at any of their properties for any product or service is swipe your season pass and get back on the slopes. It is convenient for the skiers snowboarders, it also decreases friction to buy for the merchant, which I promise you increases revenue for the resort.

For the business-to-business model one of the simplest ways to make headway on this is to tokenize a card upon first time payment. This secured payment data can be used for subscriptions or many other types of payments. Then when the customer asks to purchase additional products, now you’re able to simply say, would you like us to charge that to your AmEx today, I have a card on file that ends in 1111? They say yes, you simply hit charge. And that is it. Accepting payment couldn’t be easier.

Inside Chargent we are already hearing that the majority of our customers are taking multi-channel payments, which is the first step on their way to achieving this omnichannel payment vision. They’re using Chargent’s Payment Console function to securely tokenize the payment details in Chargent on the Salesforce platform. Once the payment data is stored, the payment details are ready to be used in the future for any purchases authorized by the customer. Whether it is authorized via ecommerce, a phone call, an email or click-thru on an invoice. Whichever channel the customer is comfortable interacting on.

We are also starting to work with our customers to have tokenization available when they use the Chargent Terminal. Their customers can swipe, dip or tap for the first payment, then Chargent users can use the token from that transaction for further authorized payments.

That my friends is omnichannel payments in a nutshell. Your customers pay once, then you are able to allow them to pay however they are most comfortable for any future transactions.

I hope you’ve found this introduction to omnichannel payments helpful. Please comment with any questions. I’d love to get those answered for you.

Keep in mind, the Chargent team is working hard to get you more updates like this. So please, subscribe to our channel while you are here.

But most importantly contact us here at Chargent to talk about how we can help your business achieve your omnichannel vision! Find our contact details in the description below to get ahold of us.

Have a great day.