Payment Continuity. Payment Flexibility.

Instantly tokenize customers’ payment data across multiple gateways, enabling seamless access to the gateways that makes sense for your business. Reduce payment disruptions, facilitate payments at multiple locations, and lower processing fees with Chargent’s Multi-Gateway Tokenization.

Payment gateway vs payment processor

Keep Fees Low

Route payments to the most cost-efficient gateway.

Transition With Ease

Lower project scope when migrating or consolidating payment data.

Payment uptime is critical for revenue

Decrease Maintenance Overhead

Avoid custom coding when standing up new locations, offices or systems, while ensuring payment redundancy.

Improve Authorization Rates

A declined payment on one gateway doesn’t have to stop you from collecting revenue.

Supply Chain Efficiency

Payment data is ready to use across all stages of your sales cycle, from production to shipment.

Common Use Cases

Effectively overcome common challenges using multi-gateway tokenization. Be inspired by these use cases to see how Chargent can work for you.


Does your organization need multiple payment gateways? Get answers to your most common questions.

36% of payment gateways transact in only one currency. If your customers span multiple countries or regions, your business will likely need to leverage more than one gateway.

Multi-currency gateways exist, but they seldom provide a consistent latency experience across each of their supported currencies. This means that selecting a single gateway to service all of your customers across the globe can result in a frustrating payment experience for many of them.

Even for businesses that transact through only one gateway, it’s easier to achieve a clear segregation of funds when each business unit is transacting through its own payment gateway account. Doing so will reduce the work needed to track and manage revenue.

Improve collections process - get more revenue and cash