Payment Continuity. Payment Flexibility.
Instantly tokenize customers’ payment data across multiple gateways, enabling seamless access to the gateways that makes sense for your business. Reduce payment disruptions, facilitate payments at multiple locations, and lower processing fees with Chargent’s Multi-Gateway Tokenization.
Keep Fees Low
Route payments to the most cost-efficient gateway.
Transition With Ease
Lower project scope when migrating or consolidating payment data.
Decrease Maintenance Overhead
Avoid custom coding when standing up new locations, offices or systems, while ensuring payment redundancy.
Improve Authorization Rates
A declined payment on one gateway doesn’t have to stop you from collecting revenue.
Supply Chain Efficiency
Payment data is ready to use across all stages of your sales cycle, from production to shipment.
Does your organization need multiple payment gateways? Get answers to your most common questions.